All Posts in The murderlies(disbanned)

“Thank you for everything!” -project

@SheepLover1112 gacha edit request

Random edit

When i wait to get 500 followers....

So hey I have re installed gachalife and I've been editing it alot unless you have me on discord you haven't seen my new character yet so I just wanted to say that

heya guys as this is september i will be using this character just becase in my contry mexico is independet day in september -w-... thats all and yes im mexican .<.

happy birthday @TheMurderousChara yay

Welp, fuck it! Happy birthday @TheMurderousChara

Happy, Birthday @TheMurderousChara (Edit: I forgot to add the community ;-;)

Happy birthday edit for @TheMurderousChara

hey guys, its me! kay the web cat! remember me?

i lost my password to my old acc so im using a new account