5 years ago

hey guys, its me! kay the web cat! remember me?

i lost my password to my old acc so im using a new account



Next up

so i remade shadow bonnie

How to make a trollface model

step 1 - open blender

step 2 - make a trollface

step 3 - rig it

step 4 - upload the image

made by me

the avatar im planning to get.

The murderlies is now officially Disbanned

Some 3D art I made.

Plus some behind the scenes stuff.

[Fashion Meme] [NOT ORIGINAL] [Sort Of Rushed]

Had lots of fun with this one! :D

holy oh my god the un needed polygons

made by me

sorry for the stretchyness blender just happened to act up

the decapitated head of sogga

Goodbye Murderlies

so i remade the blue jolly.