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''Maurice is ready to smash''

by the way, i wasn't sure how to make the shoes dustie, but here is Withered Classic Sgro

Do you think it's a good idea if I start with a 'simplified' style for the FnaS updates, while The Shadows Events has a more 'advanced' style compared to FnaS? (Also, for newer fans, I'm not talking about FnaSonic; it's FnaSgro. my old fnaf fan game)

  19 votes Voting finished

Getting chills from Phantom Philip Priz

LET'S ROCK Lighting Shawana!

my lord, i almost lost Rosy, while drawing i thought the file got corrupted, but thank god for the restore points on turbowarp, i thank you so much, developers of Turbowarp

by the way, so far this is the ''best'' animatronic Sgro model i made so far, at least for a future fnas update

Sorry if i'm not usually posting stuff and etc, it's just i have to be more focused on in real life stuff, i don't say it's a goodbye, when i can i'll be online, but probably not often, i'm sorry but maybe the game development must wait even further

Thanks to @Evil_beanos It will be easier to make the poses in 2d, thank you man (i only own the 2d art on the background)

Blender Sgro Animatronic model (by me), original look and idea of sgro by @Mister_S_Gabriel