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Thinking about It, i should start making the game page of the Classic Trilogy remake, about Five Nights At Sgro, the list of the games would be

Fnas: Beta Realm

Fnas 1

Fnas 2 (adding fnas 9 as extra things to explore)

And lastly: Fnas 3

That should be it

Do you think it's a good idea if I start with a 'simplified' style for the FnaS updates, while The Shadows Events has a more 'advanced' style compared to FnaS? (Also, for newer fans, I'm not talking about FnaSonic; it's FnaSgro. my old fnaf fan game)

  19 votes Voting finished

Sorry if i'm not usually posting stuff and etc, it's just i have to be more focused on in real life stuff, i don't say it's a goodbye, when i can i'll be online, but probably not often, i'm sorry but maybe the game development must wait even further… welp here it is, probably those who use scratch or turbowarp can use it, i'm sure not all of you are familiar with scratch or turbowarp, anyway i'll 'enjoy' the embarrassment that i'll feel for the rest of the month, have fun

the day that krabs fries

we do a little celebrating his anniversary

i honestly want to restart working on the game (cause i'm still using this old crappy pc) but i'll still need general help cause i lost some people, if you wanna help be sure to be +16 years old and not younger (at least some of you can keep me in check)

Despite the previous post, from me it's Midnight so that means it's 05 Feb from me and that means Happy anniversary of Sgro

So on 05 Feb there will be the anniversary of Five Nights At Sgro 1, the first project i ever released on scratch, i doubt i can make a big drawing or something to celebrate It, but maybe you can make something special for It or not

I'm unsure where to start