Sugary and Model in The Official VerySugaryGames Community!
Say something sweet!
well this is interesting and gay
edit: i'm mostly too lazy to write their texts and shi so like yea after 6 days of waiting.,.,.,.,.,., SUGHJGARY ISF HERHEHREHRHERHEERERER!!!1!!!!!1!
@paradev omg thanks i love it eheehehehebefbhgvhcwnjrhtvnjrg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDD
all i want for christmas is youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!! dododododoododdododoDODODODODODODODODdododododododododododdodoodDO DO DO DO DO DO!
golden apple leak real guys i swear, my dad works for golden apple and gave me free beta build i swear guys im not joking guys this is 100% real not at all faked photography (vs thisweirdmodelingdude) - ost golden apple 7.0