Teasers/announcements in The MorsStudios community

Death cannot safe you…

teaser for
F_ _ _ _ _r Q_ _ _ _: R_ _ _ _ _ S_ _ _h_ _ _es
take a closer look

A little promotion

Yes Chief needs one infos in the article

Some Gameplay reveals of Springs will come soon but, they will be posted on my YouTube once they are finished.

The Interview with KiPiToK! Ask any question you want and I will answer them! For now I will continue making stuff including that magazine I talked about a while ago.

Announcement MimicStudios is now erased and changed to MorsStudios (Mors is Latin and means Death just as an info)
Not much has changed for now but what have changed will be explained in the article

ohhh teaser of the other project
Withered Bonnie model from us

Hello everyone! Kip is here :)
Since my birthday is in 3 days... I figured, why not host a fan-art contest? So... I am going to host a contest in my community! (Read Article)