Teasers/announcements in The MorsStudios community

Death cannot safe you…

Yes we do commission.

If your interested Contact me on Discord: morsstudios

Or through Gamejolt shouts

A little more info in the article.

So we talked with our lawyers and they all said the same thing.

CFW has no FNAF related stuff so our lawyers said it can technically go on steam too. Due to the fact that they see it in the same category as Case: Animatronic means. We are free of FNAF….

unexpected teaser

We like to say welcome to our newest member @bismuth3 to the MorsStudios team.

We hope to have a great work together :)

And leave a follow on his account of course too

Was a bit unsure how to make this official render but, We are now officially a Gamejolt creator

It’s still quite unbelievable but we thank @Gamejolt for this opportunity but, especially all of our followers/friends without you this wouldn’t be possible