discussion_time in Lazyfridaynight Community!

Lazy typer ikr

i think i am making a mistake but i am gonna go through with it and so here it goes i thought to myself what if i colorize the icons for VS. ben drowned and make a video for it well the video is not done yet but a preview picture exists
Love you guys thank you for your support

which one should i use my first remake or second remake
(the first one is the first pic, second one is after that one)
Β 10 votes Voting finished
me making a new fnf mod called friday night funkin vs TBD or friday night funkin vs The Baseball Duo if anyone wants to help they can just ask the man or me :|
what hold on what if i made @Underswap_chara_UvU and my Friends into a fnf character HmMmmmmmmmmm should i?
Β 5 votes Voting finished