All Posts in UltraGearGames Community

Don't be shy. Post!

Game's coming along! (Sequel to original game, AsterSpace, at:

And it's official! I'm making a new Sumo Cars game, for reasons of the old one's data being taken away from me by a Windows reinstall. Tell me what you think of the new logo!

(old Sumo Cars:

And what is this?

Right this is just like, an archive. I might delete this community, lol. It's literally just me and 3 of my friends here, 2 of which haven't opened GameJolt for the past year

Back from the dead! At least for now.... I present to you the UGG Password Manager!

Yeah I'm pretty lost. I have a crap ton of projects, don't know what to work on, am too busy or lazy to work on any of em, and I just don't know what to do.

Some of the projects:

-A multiplayer FPS

-A TF2 Clone

-A CS clone

-Sandbox game

-Some random crap

Okay, well, the game intended to be relased is at halt in its development, as i quickly got tired of the idea. Instead, I am now making a sandbox game, but at least I can use scripts and resources from the previous game! (It was a zombie survival game)

Good news! A new game is in the works. Stay tuned!

Long time no updates! Sorry to keep yall waiting. Sumo Cars shall recieve an update soon.

New discord server!