RULES!! in UNDERTALE! Fangames,Hangout,Art,Roleplay ETC

But watch me...
NEXT RULE! THIS IS AN UNDERTALE SERVER ONLY! Not that I do not like Deltarune, it's just there will be a SEPERATE SERVER for DELTARUNE coming SOON! .....yea...soon.
3RD RULE! FANGAMES ARE ALLOWED, TOTALLY! BUT in these fangames we want NO PORN or references of PORN. Nothing. These fan games should have spoilers for undertale before the game actually starts, or somewhere IG.
2nd rule: NO SWEARING! Since, again, this server is for ALL AGES, I *singular* do not promote swearing. I want this server to be nice and chill, friendly and lit. No controversy whatsoever.
So 1st off, for the first rule, since this server is for ALL AGES, NO PORN IN THE FANART SECTION. We don't want ANY fanart of CHARACTERS KISSING, or ANY PORN.