All Posts in Undertale Orange

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Pretty cool (yeah i'll fix the level and name to look better)


..i mean come on

IM MAKING UNDERTALE ORANGE of course im gonna say that one

Go check out undertale orange


This is what i've been spending my time on most of today, along with drawing with friends
so yeah, no undertale orange progress today
i am working on the youtube video for ut yellow tho!

Now this is starting to look a little familiar!

Hey look! some real progress to show off
@DonKorge ya proud? and more seriously does this look right? besides the.. obvious bits of the bar being screwed up and the health overlapping and it all being a bit to the right, i fixed the first two

Hello! we're back,
Mini Devlog #2!.. i think

Gamemaker Programming Tip Included in article

fixing bugs like battle system now so nothing to show off

we have a discord bot that will now announce all new deck cards

what are deck cards? *article*

and we're back!

did i announce the pause?
yeah i have finals so im pausing UT Orange till im done

sorry @DonKorge
i've got finals, but i'll work on it once im done

I'll return on wednesday probably
(exams end on monday, im taking tuesday off, it's my own tradition)…

go pick a game for this person to make!
they're all pretty cool ideas

Tech final exam complete

Went really well! Infact i think i may have gotten everything correct!

Let's hope so

Onto math, bio and english!