Share your creations!

How goes it everyone? Allow me to welcome you to The Voice Actor's Hangout, a space for mainly voice actors but also a hub for devs in need of voices! Please be sure to read the rules. I know they're long but they're important.

Welcome to The Voice Actor's Hangout! A simple little hub for actors and game devs alike!

General Rules:

  1. Be kind to one another. Take arguments to a private setting. Do not go around belittling others based on their abilities or disabilities.

  2. If you are concerned about someone, please report them to me, Hannah, or another moderator.

  3. NSFW will not be allowed in this community as there may be younger (17 and under) actors or game devs who join and we do not want them to be exposed to 18+ content.

  4. Do not give out personal information such as your address, phone number, SSN, zipcode, etc.

  5. Do not lie about your age.

  6. No politics, offensive/derogatory terms, slurs, racism, bigotry, or anything of the like.

  7. If there is anything you are confused about, ask your questions in Q&A.

  8. Please include a CW/TW if necessary.

  9. Do not ask to be a moderator. I will only appoint the role to people I know and trust.

For The Actors:

  • Introduce yourself! You got a VO demo reel? Drop it in here with your intro. Don't have a demo yet? A portfolio is good too!

  • Post game roles you've been cast for!

  • Talk about your equipment! Looking to upgrade your microphone? Talk with others and see what they recommend!

  • Having trouble with a line? Ask for some acting tips and suggestions!

Rules for VAs:

  1. Please do your best to not break any NDAs! If you want to announce a role but don't know if you're allowed to, please ask the project creator or whoever would be able to give you that answer. I don't want to see any of you get fired for breaking a contract.

  2. Don't steal someone else's VO work and claim it as your own. It's not going to land you jobs.

  3. If you get a demo reel after you make your introduction, post it in the VO Showcase channel.

  4. Please include your rates with your reel/introduction.

  5. If you do not get cast for a role that you auditioned for, please do not wine publicly about it, especially not on a post announcing the cast actors for a game. It's okay to be sad about not being cast(trust me I've been there), but complaining publicly is not a good look for you. Rejection is a part of VO that you have to accept.

  6. Do not say you will voice a paid role for free in an attempt to get cast. It's rude and it makes you look desperate.

  7. Do not harass a dev or director if you do not get cast for something.

For the Devs:

  • Looking for actors for your project? Post information and a call in Casting Calls!

  • Meet and talk with other devs!

  • Having trouble or need advice? Talk with your peers!

  • Ready to announce who was cast for your game? Make a post with some pizzazz!

  • When introducing yourself, be sure to include any references to projects you've done in the past.

Rules for Devs:

  1. If the roles are paid, please state so in your casting call. Do not lie about paid roles just to get actors. Know your budget.

  2. If you approach an actor about a role and they decline the offer, that's their right. Do not harass them, just accept their response and move on.

  3. Do not steal someone's game and try to pass it off as your own.

  4. If you post about your game and it includes triggering content, please refer to General Rule #/8.

  5. There is no guarantee that you will get auditions or demo reel submissions for your project. Do not yell or complain about it. You can post reminders every now and then but do not whine about not receiving VO interaction.

Please understand that I am but one person and this community is just one of many. The rules will be updated and modified as time goes on. Have fun!

@HannahDoesVO owner
Report A community for almost 4 years