Share your cool creations! Just make sure it wouln't be stupid tough.

Report @Mihail04 for calling DillyWolf (The Creator of Dusttrust) a Nazist. HE HAD A FUCKING CAR ACCIDENT! HE COULD BE IN THE HOSPITAL RN! + He broke the guidelines by blocking me without reason and he is harrasing people for this too!

Everybody, go play this game.
It the good ending reminds me of what friendship truly is. And this game really is something else. Support the creator, @azzy2935 and the one who Azzy made it for, @EmeraldExpress . See ya' next time!

This is what happens when you let an idiot make art in chat :

Everybody, block and report @flower628_fanny for stealing @pietra9d1400 's arts. And if he wont stop, then he will be cooked since i have like double the followers he has. Loyal followers of me deserve very much!

GT Goku is stronger than DBS Goku?

Stay Tuned 😉

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