The Trailer

Welcome to the The Woomy SMP (Official)!
This is the personal whitelist SMP that is very VERY pog.
There will be streams, videos, arts, animations, And alot more of amazing stuff !
Rule 1:Be nice everyone is Human
Rule 2:Don't be racist toxic or Homophobic
Rule 3:Don't spam or send nsfw.
Rule 4:Use channels for their proper intent
Rule 5: do not discuss drama outside of discord. We wanna keep this server chill B)
Rule 8: No boomers
Rule 9: No Zoomers
Rule 10: No weeds
Rule 11: No cheating unless you can hide it properly >:D
Rule 12: Don't fucking steal I dare you
Rule 13: If you have any questions all of em goes to @Ultra_Ink_sans
Rule 14: If you have MORE questions you can ask The owner UAC !
Rule 15: Technoblade never dies!
rule 16: Be civil (unless rping) and no, rping in the server when everyone tells you to stop acting like a jerk is a bannable offense
rule 18:Don't spawn kill someone in RP and don't take away canon lives with no reason whatsover unless your character is a psycopath,Thank you !
Rule 19 : Respect The lore EVERYONE !
Rules 20 : Have fun and dont forget to check out our Youtube channel !