All Posts in Yap and Yell

Share your creations!

Speaking of the fanart question from yesterday, Did you guys know I save all of your fan art?

All of the art I have seen really means a lot to me, and inspires me to keep working on the series :)

thank you guys!

Doodles of this amazing fangame<33


Yap and Yell 2 - Surprise 1

Small question.

FNaF's upcoming anniversary.

In case you people are wondering what I have to do with "Yuz" Well, I legit drew this crappy looking Yip as a joke about going to view a teaser from the game. I legit spent like, around 30 seconds on this why is this now a thing WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!

Yap and Yell fireside 6/21/22
