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Happy 1st anniversary yap and yell

Today Marks the 1 year anniversary of my FNaF Fangame "Yap and Yell"

It's hard for me to believe that this game has already been around for a year, it seems like yesterday I was at the store that inspired the concept for this game's environment.


Yap and yell ep 1 yap job

Gift for @Miles_Games

Yip and doll

"Yap . And . Yell - Custom Night" is planned to release on 3/28/23 for the one year anniversary of Yap and Yell!

If anything changes or goes wrong, I will make a follow up announcement!

"Yap and Yell - Custom Night" Teaser Trailer
"Yap . And . Yell - Custom Night" is planned to release on 3/28/23 for the one year anniversary of Yap and Yell!If anything changes or goes wrong, I will mak...

Foiled Again 💀

Meet Needle!

Needle is one of the three children of the Doll!

Needle is the aggressive one of the three, being the one with the largest teeth and the one with the predator like expression.

Be sure to watch out for Needle in Yap and Yell 2: Rowdy Future!

Yap and Yell 2 OST preview
To Celebrate the 1 year Anniversary of my FNaF fangame "Yap and Yell" I wanted to share a preview of the sequel's OST!The anniversary isn't until one week fo...

Happy birthday to yap gift for @Miles_Games

the 1 year anniversary for Yap and Yell is coming up soon! I have been planning some things for the occasion!