General πŸ‘€ in The Idiots in Insurance

Share your creations!

I found it strange why my post hasn't been published and when I goin' to check it's set to be released on 9/4

This could anger a few more people.

This one might get people mad.

I'm so tired of this.

Notice anything WEIRD? Anything to keep an EYE out for?

Gonna want 2 check every ANGLE for this one!


Jane Music to Listen/Relax/Study/Dance Summon Demons to.

I always do normal drip, why not bend gravity a bit?!


Frendo Talk: 4


Frendo Talk: 3

Howdy, partner!

It's a bit late for a post, but I'm just doin' a quick sketch to post later this week. I'm in a bit a rush around here 'cause I've to a baby shower at the beginnin' of Semptember. That's why I've been so absent.