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Hey guys, the Body of Work comic dub will be delayed a little, but will still release this month
(article for more info)
What should Super Pilgrim's Equivalent of "Hurry Up!" name be?
Pizza Tower has "It's Pizza Time!"
ANTONBLAST has "It's Happy Hour!"
Any suggestions?
Should DANGER CROC be 2D or 3D Platformer?
Β 5 votes Voting finished
Thinking about making Mr.Manic a human, Hulking-Bruiser type character.
What do you think.

Just thought of something :
Should Super PiLGRiM be on a gameboy colour style?
I've always likes the style of Sprites, music and backgrounds.
I mean WarioLand 3 and 4 are my favourite wario games, so I kind if want to combine the two.

Out of the three free OCs I found on ToyHouse I was denied one for not following them on another platform and I haven't heard from the other but I just got him and I have to say I'm in love I have to make a new character sheet in my style lol