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Can you believe it?

Five Night's at Wario's: Mcroy Manor Takeover

(The Real) Devlog #1

Five Nights at Wario's: Relived Damnation

Devlog #3:


School started up for me recently, so I won't be making as much progress on this or Relived Damnation. But, I have actually started work on Dementaphobia Dangers and half of it's gameplay.

Out of interest, anyone find the layout of it... familiar?

Wow, something that is FNaW Related but isn't for one of my own fangames, what luck that is.

Felt like making a small camera art piece for the one and only Sanity Greenish-Yellow Mario today.



Just a quick reminder that the game is still looking for a Phone Guy here are the requirements for the role:

- 13+ years old

- Male Preferable

- Okay Mic quality at worst.

Here is the discord (fruppet_games), message me here or on twitter. Chao!



And here is the horizontal scrolling! In the article will be the code I used for it. I may even release an mfa where it is just both scrollings. We'll see.


Look guys! Something about Mcroy Manor Takeover. It must be the 21tst August... wait.

Yeah I've got two posts coming for ya today. Both relate to scrolling. I worked out a better system for my own scrolling. Although you can barely see it in this one.

I'll say this now. The game is close to completion. AND NO. I am not going to say ANYTHING about a release date. Last time I did it went poorly.

However, there are still a few things that I need to do.