general in FNaS (AotD/CbtS)
So uh, made a voice demo, so if you like what you hear, dm me or smth IDK
Help Wanted (again)
Coders, Voice Actors and Artists needed, dm Tangle_Pinrat on discord for more information
Coders and Artists wanted, note that it's probably just gonna be back up/concept Artists
(Just noticed something on the newspaper, my user on discord is tangle_pinrat for some reason the website I used to make the article doesn’t allow underscores)
Hey it's me, Clone Sonic from FNAS Respin, just wanted to say hi, oh and uh, I found this
(PPP might be canned, but Phantom Arcade will keep going strong..)
Hey it's Clone Sonic, I'm just hear to say Keep yourself safe, by staying in that office and using all the power, do it, something special happens
How can he help you?
(meet my version of Salvage, I call him Rotten Sonic)
Ay gang
Me and @SonicMisaelFNAS have FINALLY finished RC! The Starving Tyrant's 1st episode/chapter.
Watch it on his channel to see more stuff by him.