general in The Unofficial Five Nights at Sonic's Community

Do you like FNaS? I do!

The Rules have been updated, i'm deciding to get rid of the rule forbidding people from sharing all-stars and maniac mania content because I think that's stupid, as long as you don't bring up past dramas within the community you're fine :P

FNaS 3 Reburned - Darkest Hour

Five Nights at Sonic's 3: Reburned - Darkest Hour (Blackout 12/20)
saw this was getting added to the list so i did it, fun mode and fun game, highly recommend... again

Thank you so much for the 500 Followers!

WE are half-way through the 1000 followers!

Teasers will be coming sooner or later...See you Soon in the AUs.

this game is so dead......

Five Nights at Sonic's Eventide - Devlog 1 | Whats in store?