Misc / Unrelated in Asexual Community

I perfer cake

Shit Cain art #AmazingDigitalFriday

Should Lorg make his own game jolt

  8 votes Voting finished

It’s temmi



Display your art in the comments for me to see

Fun fact: Apple pie isn't as American as you may think, all of the ingredients originate from different places over the world

Since .-. and -.- are faces, does that mean --- and ... are also faces?

I began to slowly rotate in the shower before while repeating the words "Rotisserie chicken"

Also, contest to make me a new banner/header, whoever can make the banner/header I like most and that is related to me will be my new banner/header, this'll end in a week

Hey guys, I have no motivation to really do anything rn, so I probably won't be working on music for a while

I have come with very sad news