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The Game Breaker's Toolkit jam #5 will take place from April 2nd to April 11th. Please register here: Theme will be revealed as always during a youtube premiere on friday. The goal of this jam is to make the worst possible game!

Time for 3.0

Title screen still says 2.0 tough

I have released Discory 2.0, if anyone wants to play it.


My #fnaf fangame is complete! Please play it here:…

It is called "ARAAHFFP WRRE WYEOWISSS AYNSTSTMPA ATILMAHIBAE" (full title is in description)


Rock is travelling to a tower.


Can you beat my version of Bowser's Fury, which took 3 hours to make?:

#action #fangame #platformer

I am rebooting "Dragged & Dropboxed", a project where a bunch of devs using Game maker Studio 2 share the same dropbox folder. If you're interested in taking part please friend me (you must have Game Maker Studio version 2.3 and a Dropbox Desktop client)


My FNAF fangame progress. What should I add in it?

Here's an updated version of the beginning of the first level:

Features created so far:

- movement mechanics

- combat mechanics when playing as Rock the Mage

- a rat enemy and its movements and interaction with the player