Community Or Game News 📰 in Nightmare Labs (Official Community)

Having a Nightmare? Post Away!

The Voice Cast for Indigo Park 2D: Chapter One!

Indigo Park 2D - Rambley Isn't Evil?

Some New Game Screenshots of Indigo Park 2D: Chapter One! Enjoy!

Home Sweet Home Is Continuing in Development! Don't Worry Guys! here's A look Into That for Now!

Introducing Farrington Fox! A Brave and Courageous Fox, Who's the New Sherrif in Town!
So, Chapter 2 Is Going to Be a Platformer! And So Is Chapters 3 & 4 Once We Get That Far! This Gives the Ability for Tails to Actually Fly Around! Floor 1 Now Available on Windows, Mac, And Linux! Now Available on Itchio!