Peter's Pizza Pastry in StikboyStudios' Games & Animations

Speak thy words, heathen!

Hey guys! I have a question, what should I add to Peter's Pizza Pastery? I really need some ideas and if you could give some suggestions, that would be amazing! Also, a new version is releasing later today, so look out for that!

Introducing the new pepsi pizza! A delicious pizza with pepsi for sause!

A new build of Peter's Pizza Pastry is available, which will revamp the way you move! Go and try out the new version!
(note: the base Peter's Pizza Pastry won't be worked on until the player controller is finalized)

A new stamina bar, also known as the Pizza Bar is being worked on and should be ready for release soon! To be honest, it's kind of making me hungry.

The final fight between Ernie and Peter is now in development, and I need to see what attacks would interest the most for Peter to have. (press article for more)

  4 votes Voting finished

An official release date for Peter's Pizza Pastry is currently being thought of, we will let you guys know once the date is thought of. Thank you for your patience.

The first Alpha of Peter's Pizza Pastery is now avaliable! Go and try it out!


If I were to add something into Peter's Pizza Pastery, what would it be? (more info down below)

  4 votes Voting finished