Speak thy words, heathen!

Modern Toyker Redesign


Peter Griffin finally has a shotgun.

#fangame #petergriffin

New Reforged thumbnail has been made! The temperary thumbnails have been replaced and makes the game look smoother! Hope you all enjoy the new re-make!

The final fight between Ernie and Peter is now in development, and I need to see what attacks would interest the most for Peter to have. (press article for more)

  4 votes Voting finished

If I were to add something into Peter's Pizza Pastery, what would it be? (more info down below)

  4 votes Voting finished

Welcome to the StikboyStudios Game Archive! Here is all The Games I'm working on or Will be Working on! Ideas for games are also welcome.
Collaberation Games Will not Appear unless Created by me or Consent is Agreed Apon. Games will not Be Catagorized by Maturity. No Inapropriate Content allowed in Game Channels Rated Teen and Under.
Have Fun Here!


@stikboy_studios owner
Report A community for about 2 years