All Posts in Seamus's community of randos

and that's game folks. I'll see you all in the next life. ❤
guys today's the day. the final day I'm on this platform. This once again has been the best 3 years of my life. I love you all so much. my socials will be in my bio within the hour. Love u ❤❤❤ Gonna go touch some grass!!
bro absolute shoutouts to @kirillancuk30062003gmailcom my man is a legend he has been the most consistent liker on all of my posts throughout like since he followed me he is the best go follow him. (u guys should be like him too he's really cool)
Y'all, I'm making it official. I'm so sorry, but this Sunday, February 25th, 2024, I am officially leaving game jolt. I won't be deleting my account or getting it banned, but I will not be coming back to the app and deleting it.

Holy shit i think I'm crying on the inside. I missed sm last year I was barely on I'm so so so sorry.... I might leave in the very near future, but for now just read the article and be content, I guess. I don't wanna make anyone cry today. (bonus cats)