fan games in Fnaf Fangames

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New teaser!

Brillen igual que estos brillanes promocionales para Welcome to Lens
- Welcome to Lens

Vigil-Eye por que vemos todo!
una empresa encargara del servicio de camaras de seguridad en Lens fast food!
Vigil-Eye because we see everything!
a company in charge of the security camera service at Lens fast food!

Night Shifts At Frenches Menu Gameplay

Teaser 2 - Take A Guess....
I'm back
My main focus for this game *right now* will be making the soundtrack for it (will update with a new song today too)
Sorry for being inactive again... will try to be more responsible this time (and remember everything I need to do)

We want to inform you that the second teaser trailer has been released.

Five Nights at Freddy's: A Nightmare of Illusions. Second teaser trailer (in English)
Five Nights at Freddy's: A nightmare of illusions is a fan game based on the Five Nights at Freddy's series of games developed in clickteam fusion 2.5.Story:...