The color empires, the strongest empires ever
welcome to the color empires community, here you can talk about, make animations and or comics of the color empires, country balls are accepted but not country humans
you can also submit custom color empires, and they might even get added to the cannon history, but if you want them to be added please put the flag, meaning of the flag, and location in the world, you may use the newest map in the history channel at the pinned post
flags may look different from the other color empires flags , you can still make them similar, here is the template for it to look similar:
a .mdp file, most drawing programs with layers should accept this file
how to use:
hide all the layers except the empty one, paint the empty one in whatever color you want, then activate all layers, if the layers do not look as you wish, combine them all except the emblem, after that, color the stripes the way you want, then modify the emblem
have fun!