post children on this hellhole doing stupid stuff

haha this community is more dead than my grandpa haha




loudly crys into a pillow

new rules

Hello people um!!!

Please censor peoples usernames here we dont want people to harrass these people

it is important to know:

They are children

The poor kids dont know any better

Anyways yeah just do that

Hey hi uh shouldn’t we censor usernames here to avoid harassment like sure they’re cringe but like nobody deserves harassment

r/youngpeopleyoutube but worser


I mean this community is self explanatory…….

It’s a community about posting children being stupid, because that’s what they do!

note: cock and balls!!


This is the community’s mascot, SigmaGamejoltUser99! He is a piss and shit pants baby!

all of the channel images made by @theotherg00fb4ll

Report A community for about 1 month