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Saxophone Version - JadeJohnson - My Perfect Partner - slash - Instant Reverie V2 Final Alt - Official JadeJohnson Audio Generation XXV Beaterator Original Full Song At 180 4 4 BPM:
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Gyruss - Stage 2 (YM2151+SegaPCM)

Got another gameboy song for yall! This one was made for Oops! All New Formats on BotB again now that LSDJ has its own dedicated format.
I hope you enjoy! I had fun making this song :)
Links in article.

PoKeMoN Mystery Dungeon - Red Rescue Team, Blue Rescue Team, And Rescue Team Deluxe - Main Menu - Official JadeJohnson Records Generation XI Beaterator Synth Cover:
This is still one of my favourite main-menu-themes, as it really takes me back!
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New song!
This one’s called Minor Infraction, it’s a bit of a joke song I made as a submission to Oops! All New Formats on Battle of the Bits. Chip combo is 2A03+4-N163.
Links in article.
Finally finished this friggin song

little sound, big personality
making some more lsdj stuff. too bad it’s pretty hard to record lol…

New video

Decided I would make an Act 2 concept for Marble Zone, because why not