Fusion Help in Clickteam

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I can't open clickteam what should I do?

how do i fix the screen to look like the other one

Am I the only one who has the problem that clickteam games run like 20% slower than they actually should?

How do you make a launcher like when you chose a game in the first window, the second window appears?

EPÑ: Mi amigo @Scorbunnydev_official necesita ayuda para su juego five nights a super animal's aca el link del juego: https://gamejolt.com/games/fnasa/761099My friend

information of the day

Clickteam, are you alright?

why is it showing me this error message? I have the genuine Clickteam Fusion 2.5 from Steam.

I don't know if someone can help me because I bought it from Steam long ago.

Help is sought in programming and voice actors

Well, first of all, I just want to say that all the characters have been rendered and are fully ready. Enjoy these images.

Hi, I need help

I want a text to get bigger and smaller, like something cinematic or that platform games have in the titles