Fusion Help in Clickteam

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Does anybody know how to make like this scrolling that looks similar to "Five Nights at Treasure Island"?

Does anyone know how I put it to the game when it is closed to save the variable inside the ini

how to send number from clickteam to lua function?

What to do if the game just crash when you trying go to next frame or close the game? I mean, it crash when I use it in clickteam, and just exported to .exe file.

I'm trying to do a basic mouse scroll, where the x position of the active is to the opposite of the mouse's x coordinate, but the active keeps showing up off screen to the far left.

Edit: I figured it out

So, I need someone who will help me in creating my game "UNDERTALE: Your Control". If you can - friend request me in gamejolt, and write in comments about you can help me creating it. (Using clickteam fusion 2.5 for creating games)

How do i make an angled coolision like in this game?
Like without any physics engine.

It's like the player is in a box and when the box spins the player can't go outside the box

Why i can't choose the reverse option?

What is more profitable? Buy 2.5+ right now or wait really long and get dev. version?