Fusion Help in Clickteam

Does anybody know how to make like this scrolling that looks similar to "Five Nights at Treasure Island"?
Like to repost these forms to recruit for a game Im making:
how to send number from clickteam to lua function?
What to do if the game just crash when you trying go to next frame or close the game? I mean, it crash when I use it in clickteam, and just exported to .exe file.

I'm trying to do a basic mouse scroll, where the x position of the active is to the opposite of the mouse's x coordinate, but the active keeps showing up off screen to the far left.
Edit: I figured it out
So, I need someone who will help me in creating my game "UNDERTALE: Your Control". If you can - friend request me in gamejolt, and write in comments about you can help me creating it. (Using clickteam fusion 2.5 for creating games)

Why i can't choose the reverse option?
What is more profitable? Buy 2.5+ right now or wait really long and get dev. version?