All Posts in Coffee Shop Gaming

New community here, who dis?
Welcome to Coffee Shop Gaming, a brand new community for posting game/dev/anime/prettymucheverything related stuff. Make yourself at home and post some cool things while you're around.
Don't forget to check out our Discord!
If you want help with any sort of thing! This is the place, post your stuff here and maybe someone might help you out. Who knows.
This might look confusing, but hear me out. This is the meme chat! The opposite of general chat (haha, see what I did there?). Post your memes here and be judged by everyone else while you do it! Great thing!

Hey there, it appears you are lost! Huh. Anyways, if you're here, might as well check out our discord 😎.
What is that. You need a link? Sure, here you go!
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Might as well use the link to invite some friends over.