Show & Tell in Mr Malos's Community

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@ChezRabbit Here's a Brownie redesign, which was originally just supposed to be fan art of the original design but ended up turning into a whole redesign. It was pretty fun to put together.

InkBlot The Face redesign thingy model

took a few days to make this one

Hey I made a new game, so go play it if you want, its pretty short so have fun! new plushies slop video out but who cares about that when i have a message to anyone who thinks randy the cat is fake...


An old drawing of the Kirby Super Star title screen that I made a while ago.

More Bloom Mouse's Cameras Render is now showing up for you!

Teaser 1

3 Bloom Mouse's Renders Finally Shows Up for you!

@13_Sonic_Games will surprisingly watch these Renders!

Btw the Render ''The Entrance'' Bloom Mouse camera will shown on another Post which is a Poll.