general in Danganronpa

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I finished the second class trial in Danganronpa 2
I almost cried
Frick you Kodaka
I have finished Danganronpa V3
Damn that ending was unexpected
Now I have to finish the other Danganronpas-
Hello people full of hope(or despair).
I didn't know that this community already had 14 members!
Thank you very much!
The fact of not posting much is that I ended up forgetting about this account,heh.
Have a great day!
I now have the entire Danganronpa game franchise!
I know exactly who I'm going to spend my free time with
And I cannot wait for the class trials
I'm at chapter 3 on V3
But I'm only on the prologue for the others
I'm was bored so I defined danganronpa characters with @mrwhale
Inappropriate language in article