promoting in dani's basement
Let’s make a game together!
Every single gamedev decision I make will be voted on by you! Join us on Discord to answer the polls:
Project Euphoria Has Now Gotten A Beta 1!!
You Can Download It Right Now
Also The Euphoria Ragdoll Says Hi To Everyone Seeing This Post.
If You Wanna Make a Euphoria Like Ragdolls in Unreal Engine, Here is the Series you should be watching… making a ripoff of doors 👁
Unity just released a new UI Toolkit Sample Pack to help get you started with UI Toolkit & UI Builder!
Part two of my Unity 2022.2 beta coverage is up! This one covers 2D changes, cloud rendering, splines, Direct X 12, and so much more! Let me know what you think :)
Hey all! I have a new Unity Roundtable up!
This one covers the latest changes coming to Unity 2022.2. It's a two-parter, so expect part two later this week!