Make own decisions leads you to the light!

My take on Outertale Kris

Guys the leaks...


King <> Queen Swap

papyrus knight rendering practice

i post more on bluesky lol

not really too sure on their colors but loved how their design came out

deltaswapped again

Hello everyone, I came to show you the art with Spampton and inform you about the hardmod update of DRPV, be sure to play it! ;3

Here is the link:

It's a me!

fuck it deltaswap (susie verion) take

idk what else to say uhh who do yall want to see next?

Aclarando algo

Mi cuenta anterior Aranfanda tenia un proyecto llamado igual solo vengo a aclarar que esto no tiene nada que ver ni el supuesto trailer filtrado ni nada solo vengo a terminar de enterrar el cringe.