All Posts in Project Remnant

its a secret, whats said here, stays here

Why is smth popular for like, 5 min, and then it just fades from existence, like it never happened

They look different every time I draw them


(I've added more after I took this picture, I just forgot my art book in class so I can't take another pic)

I might use this eye style, but idk

It's gonna say that I'm online cuz my Chromebooks gonna have it open, but I'm going offline to (hopefully) create an art style for Descent

Calling for young Henry Emily voice actors for Descent

Art not mine, I just need an example

Sry if any typos…

Ok fine, I don't have a young William Afton yet, but I'll move on to the next character…

I just wanna let you know that I want at least 3 auditions before i go to the next character, and @HarrisForte audition has been changed to a teenage William audition, so I still need auditions for young William

K, all I'm gonna say us that young Williams dog specifically has to be a Jack Russell Terrier

I did a bunch of research

There's so much stuff I wanna say about Descent, but I don't wanna spoil anything


My audition for young William Afton for Descent.