offical art in Project Remnant

its a secret, whats said here, stays here

I finally made a decent drawing of a human
Its supposed to be Elizabeth Afton
I know that the colors are wonky, I only have some cheap crayola pencils
Anyways, plz give tips and constructive criticism, it helps

FNaF 6 Michael for Project: Remnant
This is only my first time drawing him, so he looks weird and he's gonna go through some changes as I get better at drawing people

What do u think about the Freddy design for Descent, I'm still gonna sketch more
The feet look weird, I'mma change that

They look different every time I draw them
(I've added more after I took this picture, I just forgot my art book in class so I can't take another pic)

I might use this eye style, but idk