Post your adorable wonderful things!
I'll play music WITHOUT a DAW for 350 Followers, I'll setup a playlist and learn the songs, then play them for you all :3
Here are the rules again! Sorry for the repost I accidentally removed the other one... OOPS!
Welcome to ✨✨PrincessDeSynk's Official Community!! ✨✨I- I hope you enjoy your stay! ^w^
//Channel Usage//
-- This is for welcoming new members and a rule's video/gif is there for all to watch
-- This is where announcements I, or a moderator make go
-- the general chat!
//Memes/Cursed Images
-- This is where memes, and/or cursed images go.
//Community Updates
-- Updates about the community specifically
//Follow Goals
-- A list of my follower goals
//Share Your Stuff!
-- Share stuff you made or stuff about you, etc
//Share Other's Work!
-- Share work made by people other than you make sure to credit the owner of the work you're sharing.
-- Any Fanart you make of me, goes here ^w^
//Community polls
-- Polls anyone can make go here
-- Promote your socials, such as Twitter, Patreon, Ko-Fi, YouTube, etc
-- Make suggestions for the community!
//DeSynk Social Accounts
-- A list of my social accounts around the web