Post your adorable wonderful things!
I'm working on a new game, it was meant to be a surprise but I figure it'll be my late 400 follower special showcase.
(More in the article)

Hm? What's this?! A Teaser you say? I see...well now you've grabbed my attention, what does Lyn have planned this time? No? You won't spoil? I suppose we'll see in due time then!

MagmaRat Studios is on the path to creating a new and improved FPS Shooter known as: Siege S7ven: Breakout
This First-Person Military shooter made with a unique low-poly style, it's certainly a game to go for!
Alright Alright Alright So...Story time in the article, make sure to get all snuggled up under the blankets kiddo, get your popcorn cause this is some crazy shit you're about to listen to...
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