Billy Nut Joe's Rant stuff in Kingdom of Doit

What 'cha thinkin' about?

THERE! I added Billy's tuxedo to his previously empty closet. That's my progress on the movie tonight.

BIG step forward

I really wanted to make some progress on the BNJR Movie tonight, but it's been 2 hours and I've lost motivation.

I shouldn't have told you all about it because now I'm just disappointing you :(

I know, it's been like FOUR DAYS since I last worked on the BNJR movie. Stop pressuring me, me! I'll work on it when I darn well want toooo >:'(

Quick idea before bed:

(read le article)

I know no one asked, but I did make great progress on the BNJR movie this morning :D

I did the first character interaction scene and it came out very BNJR'y, If you know what I mean