Billy Nut Joe's Rant stuff in Kingdom of Doit

What 'cha thinkin' about?

Here it is! I think this might be my favourite episode in this set so far!

Also, 2 more left until the movie!

Next BNJR coming along smoothly!

I'm taking it slow, to be able to come up with something real entertaining :)

My new year's resolution is to finish Billy Nut Joe by Christmas.

Oh wait, are those supposed to be for the new year?

Been trying to find time to do the next Billy Nut Joe, but the time hasn't come yet. It will soon.

So here's the background for the next ep while we wait :)

Early draft of Derick Vertihalls isn't real, it can't hurt you.

Early draft of Derick Vertihalls:

New Billy Nut Joe Episode :D

3 more left until the movie!

Taking a break from working on the next BNJR because I'm tired


New Billy Nut Joe episode!

4 more left until the movie!

BNJR Halloween short.

I didn't feel like numbering this one, so still 5 left until the movie!