general in DSaF Fan Game Community
How can i import Dsaf in Rpg maker?
Update: I'm Getting better! I stopped throwing up every hour and i think i might recover by tomorrow I woke up feeling fine and i took some fever medicine and i think ill recover soon. Thanks for the Support!
You run out of the building as fast as you can after having a mental breakdown, your now in the big city with a phone for a head. What the heck are you going to do now. (Art by @eerp )
You Have a mental Breakdown as a phone guy whats your next moves (Art by @eerp )
You Have been Shipped Off as a phone guy to a Freddy fazbenders pizzza Location its like any other one and you meet the owner hes idk Yellow or something what shall you do?
What would you do if you woke up in the DSAF universe and your head had been turned into a phone and you only know half a quater of your memories
Development On The game is back up Im using visual novel maker now to make it, its going to interesting i think