GENERAL in Dumb Artist Fangroup

Dumb Artist The Dumbest Artist Of All

The reason I putted comments instead of just likes is not to just make it feel original but make it harder and not feel like a "LIKE IF" post shit

DOWN WITH THE MAFIAAAAAA!!!!!! 8 likes and 3 comments, and I'll be Hat Kid for some days, weeks, whatever just bored really

Everyone Go following @ForeclosureTaskForce-Episode for hit 1,000 and becoming G.J. famous

Real dangerous

gn gamejolt


I love scolding immature kids

I CANNOT. FUCKING. STAND people who comments in previous memes/jokes of mine just to fucking threat me or act like an average kid in 2022 when they saw the words "FUCK YOU" whining over it, It's NOT even NSFW It's just out of context, SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP.

I came back from my grandma's house just to see weird comments and little kids trying so HARD to be funny in my old posts' comments, this is how I feel