VIDEO-GAMES in Dumb Artist Fangroup

Tbh I don't know who started the shit but here art 🎨🎨🎨


Second attempt ended horrible :(

I have no idea what to send so have this footage of me straight up me being stupid and not remembering the colour pattern in horror

Since we are now happy Godot users, we have the ability to compile games for the browser
If you like puzzles, here is an online version of the game "Fox and Geese"
Be sure to write your score, let's see if someone can beat mine 👀
I’m not crying. I’m just listening to the Minecraft soundtrack again something I haven’t played in three years :,,3

Project: Afternight - Burnout FC
When a OG (2021-Current) GOAT FNF Player fights mod creator
(it was 2880 difference score, i won against him btw)

Garou one shot combo
(took me couple of tries until i manage that)