All Posts in the egg center

go ahead, don't be shy

with the help of @heyothefunnier , yolk engine now has number compression!!! you are able to see your currency uncompressed if you hover over the number too

eggshell engine (EL's codebase) is actually so horribly written?? is out with some bug fixes


The Fog Is Coming.

current images used for people in the credits menu

i really loved drawing these, especially the first and last ones

So @thecatacombhimself has released 0.1.5 of Egg Land, and im going to make a Playtrough of it!

Stay Tuned

(also regarding my inactivity, i will be active, but not a lot.)

I can finally rest knowing that egg land has local storage saving

Egg Land 0.1.5 is finally out here on GameJolt!

working on the credits page was probably the best menu i've done so far and i really loved making everything look somewhat like how it does in aseprite ahhh i cant wait to show you guysss

also depending on whether or not i can finish the bulk of what needs to be done for the GJ release today i can get a headstart on next month's silly little update and then i can finally crash out in peace