Forgot to put this in the community https://gamejolt.com/p/since-it-ll-be-a-while-till-this-game-com…
https://freesound.org/people/guitarguy1985/sounds/66986/ here is a 6 AM Sound you can use
here is a Door Close and open sound idea
Welcome to the Official Five Nights at Gamejolt's Community community on Game Jolt!
follow game here https://gamejolt.com/games/gamejoltisfunny/563925
This is for an upcoming game.
-No spam.
-No self promotion.
-No stealing.
-No kicking LB.
-Posts have to be related to drama at Gamejolt, not Gamejolt in general.
used to be by @SupAniGam
now by @spindlyyoshi
Community Banner is by @PaperBagMan69XDDDD