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The word kawaii originally derives from the phrase 顔映し kao hayushi, which literally means "(one's) face (is) aglow," commonly used to refer to flushing or blushing of the face. The second morpheme is cognate with -bayu in mabayui (眩い, 目映い, or 目映ゆい) "dazzling, glaring, blinding, too bright; dazzlingly beautiful" (ma- is from 目 me "eye") and -hayu in omohayui (面映ゆい) "embarrassed/embarrassing, awkward, feeling self-conscious/making one feel self-conscious" (omo- is from 面 omo, an archaic word for "face, looks, features; surface; image, semblance, vestige"). Over time, the meaning changed into the modern meaning of "cute" or "pretty" , and the pronunciation changed to かわゆいkawayui and then to the modern かわいい kawaii.[1][2][3] It is commonly written in hiragana, かわいい, but the ateji, 可愛い, is also frequently used. The romanizedkanji in the ateji literally translates to "able to love/be loved, can/may love, lovable."